Artist Led, Creatively Driven


PACKAGING and ‘contribution to manufacturing’

The below are currently the two most popular forms of packaging we work with:

Cardboard Digipaks – these are the much nicer product, and of course much better for the planet!
But they are more expensive.
Estimated cost for 500 units: £1200

Standard Plastic Jewel Cases
Estimated cost for 500 units: £750





The ‘Red Book Standard’ for CD length is 79:45
As such we would recommend you do not go beyond this as the manufacturing plant is likely to apply a disclaimer to the effect that your CD won’t be guaranteed to work on all CD players





We will apply for a manufacturing license from MCPS (Mechanical Copyright Protection Society) before manufacturing your CDs.
Every album needs this license in order to be manufactured, and for works where the composer is still within copyright MCPS will invoice us for use of that work.
We will simply pass the MCPS invoice on to you with no costs added.

The MCPS charge is a calculation based on the exact amount of repertoire in copyright on the album and the number of CDs pressed, so we cannot advise or estimate until we have their invoice.





If you believe your intended use could be considered a significant change and qualify as a derivative work, you must contact the publisher directly to inquire. Orchid cannot advise if your change qualifies as a derivative work.